quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

death by fear

Patience growing shorter
oh it looks like you've done it again
you give your mind , but...
your soul, it never leaves its shell...
and that shell, well
it's been my shelter
enough with drugs and solitude
pain, it has a new name
and it's me but it's the same
oh can't you see how loud I want to shout ?
how far I want to run?
That I'm chained, in this insane town?
I live in this illusion you see,
reality is not speciality,
hope you can take it casually
Claude says its the right way
she's right , rotting inside its okay
And gravity smashes itself
and my inside becomes outside
and witches become angels
just like that day when fear rotted you whole body
with such disgrace
you could smell it from space
Wake up! Realize! This is a shout for insane lives!
You tried your best now its time to rest
A new conscience arrives


Vamos queimar as arestas
com as tuas acendalhas
expiro todas as frustrações
daquilo que fui e o que não quero ser
Consumo o tempo para não me esvair no pensamento
que mata
Tira-me este vazio que está cheio de nada, cheio de tudo
Tira-me essa espada, que antes era não mais que puro extâse
Mas que cura é esta que nos intoxica...
Só mais uma vez inspira a saída
e deixa o hoje para amanhã...